Imagine starting a church in a dried-up riverbed in Africa or sharing the Gospel in Asia with someone who's never heard of Jesus.Imagine the thrill of planting the first church an unreached village has ever had.
By joining the Church Planters Circle (CPC) for $34/month you can plant a church every year.
As part of CPC you'll receive...
Regular ministry updates from the mission field.
Prayer requests from the mission field.
Discipleship action steps encouraging you to take a similar steps of faith as those you are helping support overseas.
I want to help plant...
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Costs & Fees
Help make the most of your contribution by covering the very few costs we incur when fundraising online, including:
Credit Card & Bank Fees
IT & Security Costs
Software Platform Fees
Online payments are one of the most efficient ways for us to fundraise. Software and automation reduce our manual labor and streamline our financial reconciliations so we can focus more of your contribution on making a true impact.